Saturday, August 18, 2012

15 muscle building rules for skinny men and girls! (Part 1)

Why not gain weight?
Although there may be many reasons why you may be thin, and most obvious reason is because of your genes. If your parents are naturally thin or have a small body, then you'll most likely the same small body type.

To some extent, and size can also be controlled by metabolism. If you have a hard time gaining weight of any kind (fat or muscle) then you will most likely have a fast metabolism. It simply means that your body burns calories at a faster rate than normal. Must take this into consideration when considering a plan or program of training. Is it geared towards someone with your metabolism and goal?

Now, as you know, there are many ways to train. Hundreds, even thousands. Some work and some do not, but the specific purpose of weight gain, and there are some things that the world Skinny all players must do.

Although I cover a lot of information here is not "magic" that you love, I see that the rules should be the foundation regarding weight gain. Not all the answers, but they are specific elements that must be addressed in a weight gain program successful.

You should be able to easily integrate these rules into the current program to make it more appropriate for your body and your goals.


1.Get the proper information that belongs to your requirements and objectives.

The first big problem I find in most people is the lack of correct information. Yes, you are motivated and doing things, but your effort is wasted in the diet is incorrect, information and training. Basically, men lean and advice to people who have not had a weight problem. We want to know how to gain weight? Then you find people have reviewed your shoes. Person who has been where you are.

2.Set specific purpose and a plan of attack.

If you were to drive across the country in another city, you start driving randomly, or if you plan a path that would get quickly and efficiently?

Thinking about the road map and your goal as a destination. Without a plan and a specific purpose and will be without focus and can easily get lost, or side track. This happens more often than not, as you know. I see many people at the gym doing whatever, or whoever eats only - a plan or specific goal. They wonder why not make progress. They did not have focus.

The presence of a specific program to follow allows you to take every working day. This work focuses on obtaining precisely to your destination quickly. There is no thinking, guessing or discussing. You just do it. A specific plan provides necessary daily structure that keep you on the way forward, it also helps to develop good eating habits and training that will benefit you long after you've reached your destination.

3.Have confidence, believing in what you do.

Face it, we live in a cruel world. Hatred and jealousy are everywhere. For most people who start a fitness program to improve, and started half the battle. And the other half will stay motivated throughout the constant negative attacks than others. A few words of serious negative if you let it.

Perhaps the most insulting things you hear that friends and colleagues and acquaintances at the gym. People hate change. It is dangerous, because they suddenly discover that there is more to you than they were probably willing to admit. They feared that it does reach your goal. It makes it look less "superior".

Once you have started your plan, you must have faith and belief in what you do. Stay focused and avoid overly critical or negative people. If you have, and keep your business on yourself. When I started working in my program, I stopped to talk about what I did, because I'm tired of hearing things like "you can not do it," "Impossible," "You're wasting your time and money." The funny thing is, now, these people are constantly listening to me for advice.

It's your life. This is your body. It's your dream. Do not let your success or failure to rest in the hands of others.

In Part 2 of this Article, and include your training rules and guidelines to ensure more muscle gain.

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